17 octubre, 2013

Practice 4A

Tenses Review Practice

1. Look and take notes about Present Perfect. 


2. Now, click on the link below and go to Test Maker, Files 1 to 6, and select the following sections: 
  • Past Simple regular and irregular verbs, 
  • Past Continuous,
  • Be goning to, 
  • Present Continuous (future plans), 
  • Present Perfect or Past Simple?
  • Will/won't (predictions), 
  • Will/won't (decisions, offers, etc.).
Answer the Test, write two examples of each tense in your notebook. 
Remember: minimum score is 80%

2. Then, click on your students' book website and answer again: 
  •  Grammar, File 1, Lesson B & C (1 and 2). File 2, Lesson A (1 and 2)
  •  Vocabulary, b. Sport / c. Personality / d. Money
  •  Games: Adjective opposites.

Study hard for the written test!

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